# Item Creation

# Create an item

The designated endpoint is specifically intended for the creation of items that can be commented on by users. This endpoint enables platform owners and administrators to easily add new items to their platform, such as articles, products, or posts, and allow users to provide comments and feedback. To utilize this endpoint, users can send a POST request with the name of the item they wish to create, The API will then validate the request and add the item to the platform, assigning it a unique identifier that can be used to retrieve the item's details.


# Request

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • accept : application/json
  • Content Type : application/json
  • Authorization : bearer userjwt
  • URL: https://comments-api-production.up.railway.app/items/create-item

# Body Parameters

Property Type Required Description
name string true The name of the item entering the database

# Request example

curl -X POST \ 
 'https://comments-api-production.up.railway.app/items/create-item' \ 
-H 'accept : application/json' \ 
-H 'Content-Type : application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization : bearer userjwt' \ 
 -d  '{ 
"name" : "Konoha Headband" 

# Expected Responses:

# Item Created

You have successfully created an item

"message":"Item Created Successfully", 

# Other Responses:

# Unauthorised Access

You are not allowed to create an item


# Playground

Method: POST

URL: https://comments-api-production.up.railway.app/items/create-item

